Tuesday, April 7, 2009


So, what's the big deal with Kingdom Living? Why is it important to understand this aspect of the Christian walk? The answer should be very clear from two very important views. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, facing every temptation that mankind would ever deal with. At the end of that time, he preached his first sermon, stating "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." John the baptizer walked out of the desert, preaching "...the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

So just what is this "Kingdom of Heaven?" Where do we see this in scripture? In 1 Cor 15:24 Paul says "Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power."

Where is this kingdom coming from that Jesus will hand over to God the Father? This is the kingdom that was established by his death on the cross and our acceptance of his forgiveness for our sins. That new life we talk about so much in the Christian world IS Kingdom Life. That's the way Jesus wanted us to be living, dwelling with one another in unity and love.

What Kingdom Living is NOT is doing whatever we feel like, or whatever gives us warm fuzzies, all in the name of God. HE established the kingdom, and Psalm 22:28 says that "...the kingdom is the Lords and HE is the governor of the nations."

Acts chapter 2 gives us a pretty definitive cause and effect for Kingdom Living. In verse 37 it shows us that a corrupt generation has been exposed by the word of God, and "those who heard were pricked in the heart and asked what shall we do?" Peter then outlined steps to be taken to enter into the kingdom.

1. REPENT... This is the same message Jesus preached. True repentance draws you to the place of forgiveness and ushers you into a relationship with the one who has already paid the price for your sins.

2. BE BAPTIZED... There is much discussion and disagreement as to the importance of baptism in the salvation process. Is baptism the point of salvation or only one step in the process? Scripture says repent AND be baptized. Both are indicated as separate and individual actions to salvation. Both actions complete the process of salvation.
There is an obedience factor involved in baptism that many churches do not emphasize with any importance any more. Too many churches count 1-2-3 raise your hand and repeat after me. Now you are saved. Baptism is secondary and not so important. Yet, when hearts were pricked and they asked what shall we do, the answer was clear. Repent AND Be Baptized. Today, many churches no longer even have a baptistry. They schedule baptismal services at the beach during the next church picnic. Or sign up in the back, and when we have enough, we'll have a baptismal service. No real importance is given; it has just become a nice way to close out a Sunday night service.

What does scripture say?

Acts 2:38 "Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Repent and be baptized, and you receive forgiveness of your sins. AND, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Despite what disagreements we may have in the church today, the scriptures require A (repentance) + B (baptism) to equal forgiveness AND the gift of the Holy Spirit. You cannot skip over step B to receive His gift. Nowhere in scripture does it say " If you just prayed that prayer with me, come down to the front so we can pray with you, that you will receive the Holy Spirit." This is often followed by speaking in tongues as evidence of your receiving the Holy Spirit.

True evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life is seen in the way you LIVE this new life.

WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM! [ But there is more...] (next time)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

About the Kingdom...